Sunday, 5 January 2014

Grok Learning - Hour of Code - Is Eliza Human?

Just finished Grok Learning's first contribution to the Hour of Code project. This involved using Python to create a basic chat bot. The chat bot reacts in different ways to predefined statements, if you mention a film the chat bot knows it will give you a personalised answer, if you mention one it doesn't it returns a generic answer. Creating a believable chat bot would be very complex but this was a fun introduction to variables, if statements, while loops and user input.


  1. Hi can you post a solution for Eliza's Movie Marathon. I'm stuck on it but I really want to know the answer. Thanks

  2. Hi can you post a solution for Eliza's Movie Marathon. I'm stuck on it but I really want to know the answer. Thanks

  3. Impressed alot.I really like your blog.
    Thanks for the post
    <a href="https:// www. Code Human </a>
